Hai Sing Catholic School National Police Cadet Corps
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Promotion and Badge Results out in the NEW FORUM. Click on the above link to access. Results for Campcraft badge will be out soon.

Sec Twos: For those who went for the Road Safety Park for Marshal Duty, please collect your Safety First Badge from the NPCC Room next training.

Please register in the new forum - the old one will cease operation soon. Administrator is Jane Yeo and I. However, we may add more administrators in future as suggested by Derek.

New Addition : MR YAP (NPCC teacher): Welcome him when you see him!

Normal Training resumes as per normal. All trainings are compulsory

Sec Ones - email me directly (yong_chee_kong_daniel@moe.edu.sg)

2 April: Dry Shoot for Sec 2 cadets

3 April: NPCC Service Day for all cadets Sec 1 - 3. Sec 4 will do this another date. Compulsory. You will be in groups of 4 and will have to go to allocated HDB blocks to spread crime prevention messages to the residents. 8 am (full uniform for Sec 2/3; PT Kit Sec 1) in School. See Miss Priscilla Goh. Sec 4 NA/NT will assist Miss Goh in this matter. However, Sec 2 will have to be back in school by 10 am.

Practice Shoot for Sec 2 cadets: Please note that the bus will leave at 10 am for Tracom for the Shoot. Please be punctual. Follow Mr Yap Boon Chien. He will accompany you to the range. ETA back in Hai Sing: 1.30 pm.



our photo-imagestation has got more than 1800 images so far and dated back to the 1980s!! In addition, the latest photos for The Fellowship Camp are also uploaded.

You are listening to LOTR - 'party in the shire' - in celebration of the trilogy that i totally enjoyed - lets develop the fellowship of our HSCNPCC as well!

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